Traveler's Backpack Mod – A Convenient Backpack in Minecraft

Traveler's Backpack is a mod that adds a multifunctional backpack to the game. It helps store items conveniently, carry liquids, and use additional features such as a built-in crafting table and sleeping bag. This mod is especially useful for travelers, miners, and builders who need to carry more resources.
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Main Features of the Mod
Additional Inventory
The backpack expands the player's inventory by adding 45 slots for storing items. This significantly eases the transportation of resources during long journeys.
Liquid Storage
The backpack is equipped with two tanks of 2 buckets each, allowing players to store and use:
With a special hose, players can draw or pour liquids and even drink them directly from the backpack.
Built-in Crafting Table
The backpack includes a mini crafting table, allowing players to craft items directly from their inventory without placing blocks.
Backpack Upgrades
The backpack can be upgraded with different materials:
Each upgrade increases the number of available slots and enhances the backpack's durability.
Crafting and Upgrading the Backpack
How to Craft the Backpack
To create a basic backpack, you will need:
Backpacks (special liquid containers)
Gold Ingot
Sleeping Bag
How to Upgrade the Backpack
To upgrade the backpack, you will need a Blank Upgrade and the corresponding material (iron, gold, diamond, or netherite). The upgrade process is done using a Smithing Table, with leather as the template.
Using the Backpack
Equipping the Backpack
The backpack can be worn on the back to free up inventory space. A special button in the backpack interface allows you to do this. By default, the backpack is accessed with the B key.
Deploying the Sleeping Bag
The backpack includes a built-in sleeping bag that can be placed on the ground for sleeping. To do this, press Shift and right-click.
Using the Hose
The backpack's hose allows players to collect and pour liquids or drink them directly from the inventory. Hose modes:
Suck Mode – draws liquid
Spill Mode – pours liquid
Drink Mode – drinks the liquid
Modes can be switched using the Z key while scrolling the mouse wheel.
Unique Backpacks and Their Abilities
There are more than 40 types of backpacks in the game, some with special abilities:
Diamond Backpack – grants +3 armor when worn.
Emerald Backpack – creates green sparkles around the player.
Lapis Backpack – increases experience gain.
Redstone Backpack – acts as a redstone power source when placed.
Book Backpack – boosts enchantment levels (requires 3 for level 30 enchantments).
Sponge Backpack – absorbs water and stores it in the tank.
Cake Backpack – slowly restores hunger.
Cactus Backpack – fills with water when it rains.
Melon Backpack – drops up to 3 melon slices when broken.
Pumpkin Backpack – allows safe staring at Endermen.
Creeper Backpack – creates an explosion and grants regeneration, absorption, and fire resistance when in danger.
Dragon Backpack – combines effects of Magma and Squid backpacks, adding Strength and Regeneration.
Enderman Backpack – increases interaction range by 1 block.
Blaze Backpack – grants immunity to fall damage and Blaze fireballs.
Ghast Backpack – Ghasts will not attack the player.
Magma Backpack – grants Fire Resistance.
Spider Backpack – allows the player to climb walls.
Wither Backpack – grants immunity to the Wither effect.
Bat Backpack – can be found in dungeon chests (0.3%) or abandoned mineshafts (2.4%), grants Night Vision.
Bee Backpack – applies Poison effect to attacked enemies.
Ocelot Backpack – increases speed when hostile mobs are nearby.
Cow Backpack – removes all negative effects.
Chicken Backpack – allows the player to periodically lay eggs.
Squid Backpack – grants underwater breathing and Night Vision underwater.
Villager Backpack – can be obtained from a Librarian Villager. Rip Villager...
Golem Backpack – can be obtained from a Weaponsmith Villager.
Some backpacks can be crafted, while others are found in chests or traded with villagers.
The Traveler's Backpack mod is a useful addition to Minecraft, making item transportation easier and adding convenient features. It is perfect for explorers, miners, and builders, enhancing mobility and inventory management. If you need more storage and functionality on your journeys, this mod is an excellent choice.