Custom Crosshair Mod Customizable Crosshair with Various Settings

Custom Crosshair Mod is a Minecraft modification that allows players to customize their crosshair. With this mod, you can change the size, color, shape, and other crosshair parameters, making gameplay more convenient and personalized.
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Main Features
Adjustable Size and Color
You can change the size of the crosshair, making it more noticeable or minimalist. Additionally, you can choose any color, allowing for better adaptation to the game environment.
Shape Selection
In addition to the standard cross, players can choose a circle, square, or even a dot to match their preferred playstyle.
Dynamic Crosshair
The crosshair can change its shape or size depending on player actions, such as shrinking when aiming with a bow or expanding while sprinting.
Adaptive Color
The automatic crosshair color-changing function helps prevent blending with the background, which is especially useful in dark or bright biomes.
Custom Crosshair Drawing
Players can create a unique crosshair by drawing it manually. This provides full control over the crosshair’s appearance, making it as convenient as possible.
Transparency and Gradients
Transparency support allows the crosshair to be less intrusive, while gradients add additional visual effects.
Additional Visual Effects
Rainbow color transitions, adding visual dynamics to the crosshair.
Using Custom Crosshair Mod makes the game more comfortable, helping players better control their character’s actions and improving shooting accuracy. Whether you play PvP or simply explore the world, this mod allows you to customize the interface to match your preferences.