Chest Transporter – Fast Chest and Spawner Relocation

The Chest Transporter mod is a convenient tool for moving chests along with their contents. It significantly simplifies the transportation of resources without requiring manual item removal. This makes it useful for both single-player gameplay and multiplayer servers where quick inventory reorganization is needed.
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Main Features of the Mod
- Chest Relocation. Players can easily move chests with items without spending time breaking and rebuilding them.
- Support for Other Mods. Chest Transporter works not only with vanilla chests but also with containers from other mods, such as Iron Chests and Storage Drawers.
- Works with Various Blocks. In addition to chests, the tool supports moving other types of containers, such as barrels and some machines.
- Spawner Transport. Depending on the mod settings, players can even move mob spawners, which is useful for farm construction.
Types of Chest Transporters
The mod offers several types of transporters, each with different durability levels:
- Wooden Chest Transporter: single-use.
- Iron Chest Transporter: 9 durability.
- Gold Chest Transporter: 19 durability.
- Diamond Chest Transporter: 79 durability.
- Copper Chest Transporter: 7 durability.
- Silver Chest Transporter: 19 durability.
- Tin Chest Transporter: 7 durability.
- Platinum Chest Transporter: 39 durability.
While carrying a chest, players receive the effects of Fatigue IV, Hunger, Slowness III, and are unable to jump, even one block high. Therefore, planning the transportation route in advance is highly recommended.
Configuration File Settings
The mod allows customization through its configuration file:
- Disabling debuff effects (hunger, fatigue, slowness, jump restriction).
- Enabling or disabling the ability to pick up mob spawners.
- Configuring specific transporters for working with spawners (copper, diamond, gold, iron, obsidian, silver, tin, wooden).
These settings allow players to adjust the mod to their preferences and balance gameplay.
Alternative Solutions
The Chest Transporter mod has not been updated for a long time. Players using modern versions of Minecraft may consider alternatives such as Packing Tape.
Chest Transporter is a useful tool that makes moving chests easier and more convenient. However, the restrictions imposed by the mod require players to use it strategically. Due to the lack of recent updates, it is recommended to look into alternative mods that offer more modern solutions for chest transportation in Minecraft.