Minecraft Snapshot 25w07a Update 1.21.5

The Minecraft 1.21.5 update has introduced numerous changes, including a rebalance of villager trading, new block collection mechanics, and updated textures for mooshrooms. Additionally, animal spawning parameters have been adjusted, and sound effects have been improved. This snapshot contains hints at an upcoming full release, which will introduce new cartographer maps and price adjustments for various items.
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Main Changes
New Bush Mechanics and Improved Sound Effects
The latest snapshot has added new mechanics for bushes and changed the game's sound effects. Players will now need specific tools to collect certain blocks.
- Bushes can now only be collected using tools with the "Silk Touch" enchantment.
- The volume of grass-breaking sounds has been adjusted, making the game more acoustically comfortable.
- Mooshrooms have received updated textures and models, refreshing their appearance and making them more detailed.
New Sheep Variations and Trading Changes
The addition of new sheep variations across different biomes has sparked discussions among players regarding their distribution and rarity.
- Different sheep colors are now tied to specific biomes, making the game world more diverse.
- The rarest colors, such as pink, appear extremely infrequently.
- The Wandering Trader has received new mechanics that make interactions with him more beneficial for players.
Updated Trading Mechanics
New trading mechanics introduce unexpected items and prices.
- It is now possible to exchange common items, such as water and milk buckets, baked potatoes, and hay bales, for emeralds. However, the price balance might seem unusual.
- New enchanted tools and potions are now available for purchase, opening up new opportunities for players. However, some items have relatively high costs.
- Certain items have become cheaper, allowing players to acquire more resources for less, thereby improving the in-game trading economy.
New Maps and Future Updates
The game now includes maps for seven different villages, although only five are currently available. These can be purchased from cartographers in villages across various biomes.
Cartographers now sell village maps for savanna, desert, and plains villages, expanding exploration opportunities.
The removal of experimental features is expected, along with the release of a stable version of the new content in the near future.
Snapshot 25w07a has introduced numerous changes aimed at enhancing gameplay. New resource collection mechanics, updated textures, trading adjustments, and the addition of new maps make Minecraft even more diverse. Developers continue working on game optimization, and a full release with fixes and additional content is expected soon.

Published by: TNT