Minecraft Snapshot 25w08a Update 1.21.5

The new Minecraft 25w08a snapshot introduces several exciting updates. Spawn eggs now have detailed textures that more accurately reflect the appearance of mobs. Wolves have received unique sound profiles, and foliage in the game now adapts to the environment, changing its shade depending on the biome. Additionally, the variety of sheep wool in different biomes has become more logical.
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Main Features
Unique Wolf Sounds
Each wolf now has its own sound style, independent of its appearance or the biome it spawns in. A total of six new sound types have been added:
- Big – deep and powerful sounds;
- Cute – soft and pleasant sounds;
- Puglin – reminiscent of piglin sounds;
- Angry – aggressive growling;
- Grumpy – disgruntled grumbling;
- Sad – sorrowful and whining sounds. The original sounds are now assigned to the Classic variant.
Improved Spawn Eggs
All spawn eggs now have unique visual styles that match the mobs they summon. In addition to color changes, the egg shapes also vary – for example, smaller mob eggs have been made more compact.
Sheep Wool Variety
- In warm biomes, brown, gray, light gray, white, and black sheep are more common.
- In cold biomes, black, white, gray, light gray, and brown sheep are more common.
- Pink sheep remain rare and can spawn in any biome.
Adaptive Foliage
Foliage that covers the ground now changes its shade depending on the biome, making the Minecraft world more vibrant and realistic.
Sheep Improvements
- Their undercoat now changes color when dyed, just like in Bedrock Edition.
- Sheep can now eat fern.
Wandering Trader Updates
- Certain items can now be purchased twice:
- Water Bottle
- Bucket of Water
- Bucket of Milk
- Fermented Spider Eye
- Baked Potato
- Hay Bale
The 25w08a update brings not only visual enhancements but also new mechanics that make the gameplay more engaging. Wolves now have unique sounds reflecting their emotions and personalities, and spawn eggs have become more user-friendly and informative. The adaptive foliage adds even more atmosphere to the surrounding world. These innovations deepen the game, allowing players to enjoy an even more immersive Minecraft experience. Stay tuned for future snapshots with even more exciting changes!

Published by: Skeleton