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SkinsRestorer - plugin for changing skins on a Minecraft server.

13:20, 08 December 2024
SkinsRestorer - plugin for changing skins on a Minecraft server.

SkinsRestorer is a Minecraft plugin that allows players on offline-mode servers to change their skins, restoring customization without requiring a premium account. This tool is widely used across various server types due to its compatibility with platforms such as Spigot, Paper, BungeeCord, and Velocity, as well as its support for numerous Minecraft versions — from 1.7 to the latest.

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Key Features

  • Skin Management: Players can set skins using a username or URL.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Compatible with popular server platforms.
  • Skin Caching: Reduces server load by caching frequently used skins.
  • Premium Account Support: Suitable for both premium and non-official accounts.
  • Multilingual Support: Allows customization of interface language for players' convenience.

Player Commands

/skinskinsrestorer.commandChanges your skin.
/skin set <skinName>skinsrestorer.command.setSets the specified skin.
/skin set <skinName> <target>skinsrestorer.command.set.otherSets the specified skin for the target player.
/skin set <skinName> <target> <skinVariant>skinsrestorer.command.set.otherSets the skin and its variant for the target player.
/skin url <url>skinsrestorer.command.set.urlChanges your skin using a URL.
/skin url <url> <skinVariant>skinsrestorer.command.set.urlChanges your skin using a URL with a specified variant.
/skin updateskinsrestorer.command.updateUpdates your skin.
/skin update <target>skinsrestorer.command.update.otherUpdates the target player's skin.
/skin search <searchString>skinsrestorer.command.searchSearches for skins.
/skin clearskinsrestorer.command.clearRemoves your current skin.
/skin clear <target>skinsrestorer.command.clear.otherRemoves the skin of the target player.
/skin <skinName>skinsrestorer.commandChanges your skin.
/skin helpskinsrestorer.command.setDisplays help for commands.
/skinsskinsrestorer.command.guiOpens the skins graphical interface.

These commands are available to players with one of the following permissions: skinsrestorer.player or skinsrestorer.command.*

Admin Commands

/srskinsrestorer.admincommandAdministrative commands for SkinsRestorer.
/sr createcustom <skinName> <skinInput>skinsrestorer.admincommand.createcustomCreates a custom skin for the server.
/sr createcustom <skinName> <skinInput> <skinVariant>skinsrestorer.admincommand.createcustomCreates a custom skin with a specified variant.
/sr setskinall <skinName> <skinVariant>skinsrestorer.admincommand.createcustomSets the specified skin for all players.
/sr info <playerOrSkin> <input>skinsrestorer.admincommand.infoShows information about a player or skin.
/sr props <playerOrSkin> <input>skinsrestorer.admincommand.infoShows properties of a player or skin.
/sr lookup <playerOrSkin> <input>skinsrestorer.admincommand.infoSearches for information about a player or skin.
/sr drop <playerOrSkin> <target>skinsrestorer.admincommand.dropRemoves player or skin data from the database.
/sr remove <playerOrSkin> <target>skinsrestorer.admincommand.dropRemoves player or skin data from the database.
/sr purgeolddata <days>skinsrestorer.admincommand.purgeolddataDeletes old skin data older than the specified number of days.
/sr applyskin <target>skinsrestorer.admincommand.applyskinReapplies the skin to the specified player.
/sr dumpskinsrestorer.admincommand.dumpUploads data for support on bytebin.lucko.me.
/sr applyskinallskinsrestorer.admincommand.applyskinallReapplies skins for all players.
/sr statusskinsrestorer.admincommand.statusChecks the plugin API status.
/sr reloadskinsrestorer.admincommand.reloadReloads the plugin configuration.

These commands are available to administrators with permissions skinsrestorer.admin or skinsrestorer.admincommand.*

Configuration and Optimization

  1. Edit Configuration: Open the config.yml file to configure language, caching, and other options.
  2. Skin Caching: Enable caching to reduce server load when frequently accessing the same skins.
  3. Proxy Integration: If using BungeeCord or Velocity, enable the bungeecord: true option in the spigot.yml file for proper functionality.

Benefits for Different Server Types

  • Small Servers: Allows players to easily change skins, enhancing personalization.
  • Large Networks: Scales efficiently, supporting many players without performance loss.
  • Roleplay Servers: Helps create an immersive atmosphere by enabling players to change appearances.


SkinsRestorer is a versatile tool for Minecraft servers, offering players the ability to change skins and enhance their gaming experience. With its ease of use, regular updates, and broad compatibility, this plugin is an excellent addition to any server.

How to Install the Plugin SkinsRestorer - plugin for changing skins on a Minecraft server.?

Plugins are extensions that enhance Minecraft server functionality, allowing for custom features and game mechanics.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes


  1. Minecraft server (e.g., Bukkit, Spigot, Paper).

Installation Process:


Install the Plugin

Place the .jar file in your server’s "plugins" folder.

Start the Server

Launch your server to automatically load the plugin.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the detailed plugin installation guide.

Published by: TNT

Category: Plugins
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